Nuguide VLE

The 21st century education has seen the traditional method of learning and teaching being augmented with digital technologies. The advent of the Internet and World Wide Web (www) has in recent years accelerated the pace at which digital learning resources are being embedded into the classroom environment environment. Traditional classroom and virtual classroom are today used side by side at various institutions. Terms such as e-learning, mobile learning, virtual learning environment (VLE) and interactive learning resources are commonly used in describing today’s education. Digital education is taking place in a digital world that we are now living in.

Nuguide is actively promoting use of learning technology in schools by working with various schools at different levels. Through the Nuidede-VLE arm, we are developing content for schools to use both online and offline.

Visit the Nuguide VLE arm of Nuguide for more information about our Virtual Learning and Mobile Learning content development for schools.